American Educator Author Index
Listed by author's last name. Articles not posted online are available. To request a copy, please send an e-mail to
Sacks, Vanessa
Sadler, Philip M.
- Spring 2016- Understanding Misconceptions
Sadowski, Michael
- Winter 2016-2017- More Than a Safe Space
Sahlberg, Pasi
- Spring 2012- A Model Lesson
- Summer 2011- The Professional Educator: Lessons from Finland
Salter, Phia S.
- Spring 2021- Learning History, Facing Reality
Samuels, Rachel
- Fall 2023- Supporting Students Who Use African American English
- Winter 2022-2023- Lift Every Voice
Sanchez, Adam
Sarama, Julie
- Spring 2023- Rethinking STEM in the Elementary Grades
Sarjala, Jukka
- Spring 2013- Equality and Cooperation
Saunders, William
- Summer 2013- English Language Development
Savitz-Romer, Mandy
- Summer 2022- The Promise of School Counselors
Schatzlein, Erica
- Summer 2020- Supporting ELLs during the Pandemic
Schierenbeck, Jack
- Winter 2000-2001- Lost and Found
Schlund, Justina
- Summer 2021- Transformative Social and Emotional Learning
Schmidt, William H.
- Spring 2015- Puzzling Out PISA
- Spring 2013- Springing to Life
- Winter 2010-2011- Equality of Educational Opportunity
- Spring 2008- What's Missing from Math Standards?
Schmitz, Terri
- Summer 2004- Magic Casements
Schmoker, Mike
- Fall 2023- Civil Dialogue
- Summer 2023- The Urgent Need for Free, Frequent Classroom Discussion
Schreibman, Laura
- Summer 2006- Educating Autistic Children
- Summer 2006- Is Autism on the Rise
- Summer 2006- Alone in the World
Schultz, Susan E.
- Summer 2018- The New NGSS Classroom
Schwartz, Andrea Wershof
- Winter 2011-2012- First, Do No Harm
Schwartz, Robert B.
- Fall 2014- The Pursuit of Pathways
Seidenberg, Mark S.
- Summer 2021- Teaching Reading to African American Children
Seidlitz, John
- Fall 2018- Border-School Champions
Semi, Ritva
- Spring 2013- Common Ground on Class Size
Senechal, Diana
- Spring 2015- You Are Embarked
- Spring 2010- The Most Daring Education Reform of All
- Winter 2010-2011- The Spark of Specifics
- Winter 2011-2012- Republic of Noise
- Winter 2012-2013- The Folly of the Big Idea
- Winter 2011-2012- The Practice of Solitude
- Winter 2011-2012- The Cult of Success
Senser, Robert A.
- Winter 2002- Worker Protests Spread, Despite Repression and "Official Unions"
- Winter 2002- Toying with Lives
Sewall, Gilbert T.
- Summer 2000- Lost In Action
- Fall 2007- Plutarch for the Sound-Bite Generation
- Fall 2007- Teaching Plutarch in the Age of Hollywood
Shanahan, Timothy
- Summer 2020- Limiting Children to Books They Can Already Read
- Fall 2013- Letting the Text Take Center Stage
Shapiro, Sarah
- Summer 2018- A Look at Civics Education in the United States
Share, Jeff
- Winter 2019-2020- Teaching a Short Story (or Stories) about the Climate Crisis
- Winter 2019-2020- Climate Change in the Classroom
Shattuck, Roger
- Spring 2005- Curriculum First
Shelton, Jon
- Spring 2018- Teacher Unionism in America
Shepard, Lorrie A.
- Fall 2021- Ambitious Teaching and Equitable Assessment
Shepardson, Daniel P.
- Winter 2019-2020- Teaching Climate Change
Sherrin, David
- Fall 2016- A Day in Court
Shockley, Kmt G.
- Fall 2020- Introducing Campus Uprisings
Silverman, Rebecca D.
- Winter 2020-2021- The Power of “Screen Time”
Silverman, Steve
- Winter 2003-2004- Mayday at 41,000 Feet—Watch Those Units!
Singer, P. W.
- Winter 2005-2006- Why Now?
Sirinides, Philip
- Spring 2018- Leadership Matters
Skiba, Russell J.
- Winter 2015-2016- From Reaction to Prevention
Skoog-Hoffman, Alexandra
- Summer 2021- Transformative Social and Emotional Learning
Skrla, Linda
Snow, Pamela
- Summer 2019- Oral Language Competence
Snyder, Timothy
- Summer 2018- The Need for Civics Education
- Summer 2017- History and Tyranny
Sonnert, Gerhard
- Spring 2016- Understanding Misconceptions
Spar, Andrew
- Fall 2022- Voting for Our Values
Sparks, Sarah D.
- Winter 2014-2015- Studying the Ways Students Get Help with Classwork
Sr., Terrence Martin,
- Fall 2022- Voting for Our Values
Staats, Cheryl
- Winter 2015-2016- Understanding Implicit Bias
Stafford-Brizard, Brooke
- Fall 2021- Equitable Learning Environments
Stahl, Steven A.
- Fall 1999- Different Strokes for Different Folks?
- Spring 2003- How Words Are Learned Incrementally Over Multiple Exposures
Stahmer, Aubyn
- Summer 2006- Educating Autistic Children
Stanovich, Keith E.
- Spring Summer 1998- What Reading Does for the Mind
Stead, Tony
- Fall 2005- Opening the Door to a World of Possibilities
Stephan, Jennifer L.
- Fall 2010- Beyond One-Size-Fits-All College Dreams
Stevens, Alison B.
- Fall 2018- When Educators Lead the Way
Sticht, Thomas G.
- Fall 2011- Getting It Right from the Start
- Fall 2000- Swords and Pens
Stigler, James W.
- Spring 2004- Opening Classroom Doors
Su, Francis
- Spring 2022- Five Freedoms That All Math Explorers Should Enjoy
Sundar, Kripa
- Spring 2022- Concept Mapping
- Fall 2020- Sparking Interest, Reducing Learning?
Swaim, Marty Shollenberger
- Fall 1999- Teacher Time
Swaim, Stephen C.
- Fall 1999- Teacher Time
Sweller, John
- Spring 2012- Putting Students on the Path to Learning
Sypnieski, Katie Hull
- Fall 2018- Teaching English Language Learners
Tang, Jessica
- Summer 2023- Delivering On the Promise
Tanis, Bianca
Teacher, A Second-Year
- Spring 2008- There's a Hole in State Standards
Theoharis, Rev. Dr. Liz
- Fall 2021- Moral Policy = Good Economics
Theokas, Christina
Tighe, Elizabeth L.
- Spring 2021- In College, But Not Always Earning College Credit
Toldson, Ivory A.
- Fall 2020- Introducing Campus Uprisings
Tomlinson, Tommy
- Summer 2015- A Closer Look at the Commission’s Work
Torgesen, Joseph K.
- Spring Summer 1998- Catch Them Before They Fall
- Fall 2004- Avoiding the Devastating Downward Spiral
Treiman, Rebecca
- Winter 2008-2009- How Words Cast Their Spell