American Educator Author Index
Listed by author's last name. Articles not posted online are available. To request a copy, please send an e-mail to
Oakes, Jeannie
- Summer 2018- Community Schools
Obenchain, Kathryn M.
- Winter 2017-2018- Fully Realizing the Civic Potential of Immigrant Youth
Odom, Samuel L.
- Summer 2015- Connecting the Dots
Ortega, Teresa
- Fall 2017- The Challenge That's Bigger Than Fake News
Paglin, Catherine
- Fall 2004- Practicing Prevention
Palacios, Rebecca A.
- Fall 2023- El compromiso y la alfabetización familiar
- Fall 2023- Family Engagement and Family Literacy
Parker, David L.
- Spring 2008- Before Their Time
Parsley, Danette
- Winter 2017-2018- Remote But Not Removed
Payne, Charles M.
- Spring 2011- Demanding and Supporting Success
Pearson, Sarah S.
- Summer 2009- A Coordinated Effort
Perkins, Bettye
- Fall 2016- Success Stories from Today’s Students Tomorrow’s Teachers
- Fall 2016- Growing the Next Generation
Perlstein, Linda
- Summer 2010- Unintended Consequences
Perrin, Noel
- Winter 2007-2008- A Child's Delight
Peske, Heather G.
- Summer 2002- Lost at Sea
Phillips, Beth M.
- Fall 2023- Is My Child on Track for Learning to Read?
Phillips, Meredith
- Summer 2005- Season of Inequality
Phillips, Vicki
Phipps, Ricardo
- Spring 2023- Pride and Prejudice
Pickard, Patricia R.
- Spring 2006- Conjuring Willa Cather
Pickett, Kate
- Spring 2011- Greater Equality
Pierce, Sarah
- Summer 2016- Meeting the Needs of Unaccompanied Child Refugees
Pitcock, Sarah
- Spring 2018- The Case for Summer Learning
Pittman, Kianna
- Fall 2022- What CTE Means to Me
Plutzer, Eric
- Summer 2012- An Evolving Controversy
Podolsky, Anne
Poteat, V. Paul
- Winter 2016-2017- Gay-Straight Alliances
Potter, Halley
- Fall 2019- School Integration
- Winter 2014-2015- Why Teacher Voice Matters
- Winter 2014-2015- Restoring Shanker’s Vision for Charter Schools
Poulos, Jennifer
- Fall 2018- When Educators Lead the Way
Preston, Harry F.
Prince, Cynthia D.
Pringle, Njeri M.
- Spring 2021- In College, But Not Always Earning College Credit
Professors, American Association of University
- Fall 2020- Safeguarding Knowledge
Puckett, John
- Summer 2009- The Enduring Appeal of Community Schools
Puddington, Arch
- Summer 2008- Freedom in Retreat
- Fall 2003- Freedom's Opposite
- Summer 2005- Surviving the Underground
Quartz, Karen Hunter
- Spring 2020- Classroom Teachers in the Community Schools Movement
Quesada, Christy
- Spring 2023- Light Bulb Moments
Quick, Kimberly
- Fall 2019- School Integration
Quinn, Jane
- Summer 2009- Freeing Teachers to Teach
Quintero, Esther
- Fall 2023- Bringing the Rocket Science of Reading to All Students
- Summer 2017- Elevating Relationships
Ramos, Patricia
- Spring 2023- Light Bulb Moments
Ramsey, Elizabeth
- Winter 2003-2004- Heading Off Disruptive Behavior
- Winter 2003-2004- How Disruptive Students Escalate Hostility and Disorder—and How Teachers Can Avoid It
- Winter 2003-2004- Dealing with Jimmy the "Terror"—How an Intensive Intervention Works
- Winter 2003-2004- Good Behavior Needs to Be Taught
- Winter 2003-2004- Prevention Begins with Screening
Ramstetter, Catherine
- Spring 2017- Time to Play
Ramstetter, Catherine L.
- Winter 2018-2019- Ready for Recess?
Rath, Linda K.
- Spring 2001- A Tribute to Jeanne Chall
Ravitch, Diane
- Summer 2010- More Choices, Higher Scores, and Worse Education
- Summer 2010- In Need of a Renaissance
- Spring 2010- A Century of Skills Movements
- Fall 2003- Leaving Reality Out
- Summer 2003- Thin Gruel
- Spring 2001- A Tribute to Jeanne Chall
- Winter 2006-2007- Why Teacher Unions Are Good for Teachers—and the Public
Reist, Kayla
Resnick, Lauren
- Spring 2005- Getting Back on Course
Reynolds, Heather
- Spring 2023- Reimagining School Safety
Rickenbrode, Robert
- Summer 2013- Lighting the Way
Ricker, Mary Cathryn
- Spring 2022- Following Shanker's Lead
- Summer 2016- Reclaiming Our Profession
Riener, Joseph F.
- Fall 2016- “Teach Me How to Work and Keep Me Kind”
Riley, Richard W.
- Spring 2011- Turning the Page on the Equity Debate
Risley, Todd R.
- Spring 2003- The Early Catastrophe
Rivas-Drake, Deborah
- Fall 2019- The Identity Project Intervention
- Fall 2019- Engaging in Meaningful Conversations
Rizga, Kristina
- Winter 2016-2017- Coming Out in High School
Roberts, Ebony M.
- Spring 2003- Filling the Great Void
Rodriguez, Claritza
Rose, Mike
- Fall 2014- Not Your Father’s Shop Class
Roseman, Jerry
- Winter 2016-2017- A Matter of Health and Safety
Rosenbaum, James E.
Rosenbaum, Janet E.
- Fall 2010- Beyond One-Size-Fits-All College Dreams
Rosenberg, Sari Beth
- Winter 2022-2023- Too Many, Too Young
Rosenblum, Nancy L.
- Fall 2022- Conspiracy in America
Rosenfeld, Neill S.
- Winter 2006-2007- Nurturing Teacher Knowledge
Rosenshine, Barak
- Spring 2012- Principles of Instruction
Rotherham, Andrew J.
- Spring 2010- "21st-Century" Skills
Rothman, Robert
- Summer 2002- A Test Worth Teaching To
Rothstein, Richard
- Spring 2021- Suppressed History
- Spring 2009- Grading Education
- Spring 2009- What's Wrong with Accountability by the Numbers?
- Summer 2009- Equalizing Opportunity
Rowland, Christine
Rubinstein, Saul A.
- Winter 2013-2014- Strengthening Partnerships
Rude, Ron
- Spring 2002- The Road to Interest and Curiosity
Rutherford-Quach, Sara
- Fall 2018- Understanding Their Language
Ryan, Caitlin L.
- Spring 2019- Reading and Teaching the Rainbow
Sabatino, Christine Anlauf
- Summer 2019- Trauma Care in Schools